We Advocate on a global level, urging governmentS TO protect women in conflict zones,
and fund programs on a local level through our partners.
Our implementing partners help ensure survival for women experiencing violence in war zones through emergency relief in the form of immediate food, clothing, and shelter. Because sexual violence is often leveraged against women during war, emergency relief also includes rape or sexual violence treatment, trauma assistance and medical support. Protecting women and ensuring the care of survivors is essential.
Efforts on behalf of the international community to end violence against women are integral to peace, but local-led conflict resolution can prevent war before it breaks out. If women are not included in this peace building process, gender-based violations in times of conflict will not be given proper attention and consideration. One Million Thumbprints believes it is imperative women have a voice in the peace of their communities. Our implementing partners work for a culture of peace within communities affected by conflict through mediating structures like churches, schools and businesses. They actively train women leaders within their communities in conflict resolution skills, trauma care, mediation techniques as a means of stabilizing their community and preventing future violence against the vulnerable.
Sustainable, long-term solutions for peace in war-torn regions must include economic and educational development opportunities that empower women. Programs often look different in different conflict zones, even in the same geographic region. They include community micro-savings, microfinance, farming co-ops, agribusiness, as well as refugee care and education leading to resettlement.